Burton Training Solutions Ltd Privacy Policy Statement

Information Commissioners Office Registration Number ZA026086

This online privacy policy is designed to tell you about how the personal information which is collected during the registration process of any of our training courses is used and stored.
“Personal Data”
We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office, ICO for the protection of such information.
Any Personal Data that you give us will be treated with the utmost care and security. It will not be used in any other way than registering you with the RTITB for entry onto the National Operators Registration Scheme, the creation of Operator Certificates, Operator Identification Cards.

Hard copy information will be securely stored under lock & key for the period stated by RTITB which is currently 3 years.
Information stored electronically via computer hard drive will: -
• Have a firewall and virus-checking software installed.
• The operating system is set up to receive automatic updates.
• Have the latest security updates, which should cover vulnerabilities.
• Only staff covered by our ICO registration will have access to the information they need to do their job.
• Pass worded information held electronically that would cause damage or distress if it were lost or stolen.
• Regular back-ups of the information on computer and kept in a separate place so that information is not lost.
• Personal information removed from redundant computers before disposing of (by using technology or destroying the hard disk).
• Anti-spyware tool installed. Spyware is the generic name given to programs that are designed to secretly monitor activities on computers. Anti-spyware helps to monitor and protect computers from spyware threats.

In order to keep up with changing legislation and best practice, we may revise this Privacy Policy at any time without notice so please check back periodically so that you are aware of any changes. This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with and is subject to our Term and Conditions which can be found at the bottom of any page.

If you wish to confirm our registration with the Information Commissioners Office, simply click on the ICO icon from the homepage and enter our registration number ZA026086 into the Register of Data Controllers search field.

Contact Us
If you have any questions about this privacy pledge or feel that your privacy has been compromised, please contact us at [email protected]